Charry Morris

Masters student in Counseling

supervised by kelleigh head, psyd

Charry is a graduate student at The Pacifica Graduate Institute near Santa Barbara, California. Her studies toward a Masters in Counseling degree are Depth Oriented. Her form of therapy uses a range of approaches to gain a deeper understanding of an individual’s psychology. When working with families, Charry uses a family systems approach to therapy. Symptoms that might bring you in to therapy can range anywhere from difficulty sleeping, issues related to eating, loneliness, and pervasive sadness or anxiety to relationship issues, life transitions, and an inherent longing for change.

Charry works with individuals of all ages, couples, and families.

Charry works out of ROCC’s Richardson office. To schedule an appointment with her, please call 469-619-7622 or email ROCC's Richardson office at

We don’t hear much about how painful it is to go from being completely stuck to becoming unstuck. The process of becoming unstuck requires tremendous bravery, because basically we are completely changing our way of perceiving reality, like changing our DNA. We are undoing a pattern that is just not our pattern. It’s the human pattern.
— Pema Chödron