Matthew frailey

doctoral student in Counseling psychology

supervised by Kelleigh Head, PsyD

I am Matthew Frailey and I have a psychology degree from Tarelton State University and I am now pursing my doctorate in Counseling Psychology at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology. I take a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approach, as well as a  Psychodynamic approach when working with clients. My passion is working with adolescents and adults who struggle with substance abuse or that may have a dual diagnosis. I strive to help clients deal with their substance abuse along with other comorbid disorders such as major depression and anxiety. 

Matthew works out of ROCC’s Richardson office. To schedule an appointment with him, please call 469-619-7622 or email ROCC's office at

We don’t hear much about how painful it is to go from being completely stuck to becoming unstuck. The process of becoming unstuck requires tremendous bravery, because basically we are completely changing our way of perceiving reality, like changing our DNA. We are undoing a pattern that is just not our pattern. It’s the human pattern.
— Pema Chödron